By John D. Loudermilk
©1969 Acuff-Rose Publ. Inc.

Poor little pretty girl
Don't you wish your face was plain
Like the little Mary Jane next door
Who works from eight to five at a down-town store
And goes with a cute little guy on the second floor

Poor little pretty gril
You got to be back-stage at ten
All made up and in a jolly way
With clever little funny things to say
To entertain the customers who pay
It's a different world
Poor little pretty girl, wouldn't you say

Poor little pretty gril
Clothes you find you have to wear
Cause the neighborhood to stare and talk
And married men do watch you when you walk
Oh how loud and clear you hear their thoughts
It's a different old world
Being a pretty girl, wouldn't you say

And ev'rywhere you go you're recognized
By the make-up on your pretty lonely eyes
When you think you've met a nice guy
The first thing that the rascal does is try
And then you cry and then he says goodbye
It's a lonesome old world
Being a pretty girl, wouldn't you say

Hey little pretty gril
Hey little pretty gril

(source: Standard Songs Pop/ Country/ Blues/ Folk/ Instumentals/ Novelty, Acuff-Rose Publications Inc. 1956-1973)

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