By John D. LoudermilkAcuff/Rose -BMI
You got it all figured out, eh, Jack?
A billion bucks you're going to make, right?
And then you say
You're going to give it all away
And then what?
After you've got the big house, the big car,
The swimming pool, the motorcycles,
The boats; after the airplane-
After all these things
Then what, Jack?
You got it all figured out, you say?
You're going to give it all away
And move to the woods and live simply
Like other normal human beings?
And all you want from there on out
Is just enough to get by on
Well take a tip
From all the great minds
That ever thought and wrote it down, Jack
Skip the billion dollar bit, Son
And do the woods thing
Don't waste your time, Jack
Do the woods thing now
Please, Jack, please, Jack
(source: liner notes LP Just Passing Through)